חפש תאריך: שעת סיום: שעת התחלה: ישוב: אזור: סוג חדר:
בחר תאריך
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WANTED - Percussionist & Bass Players - Jack Jhonson live show 69 - 20 21/05/2010
Stew Oak 052-6385118 stewoak@gmail.com
69 - 20
I'm a 35 year old singer song-writer living in Tel Aviv.
seeking support to perform a collection of Jack Johnson coversand some of my original material in coffee shops and street shows around Tel Aviv this summer.
If you like the chilled out groove of Jack Johnson's acoustic surf sound, and enjoy playing percussion, bass and sing-alongs without the need to thump out loud rock.. Stew wants to hear from you! Please call/mail me for further info and examples of his work.
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